Tuesday, November 18, 2008

We got Wall-E today...well my sister got it today. My nephew, Elliot (who is 3), LOVE'S Wall-E. He has been wanting to watch it all day. He has already watched it twice so far.

School was the same old thing today.

I hate geometry. It is so confusing and annoying.

In Chemistry we are doing formulas and stuff and I like that. It's pretty fun.

In History we talked about having the courage to look at what is going on in the world and do something about it. "...awake to your awful situation." -Ether 8:24

English is english lol. It's funny because I feel like I'm the only one in that class who answers any questions.

In Seminary we did a scripture mastery matching thing and I only got 7 out of 25 right. I hate that I know the actual scripture but I always forget the reference to it.

P.s That's right...I'M MORMON! woot!


Brooke and BJ said...

Woot, huh? lol....you crack me up!